How it works

TrendMD surfaces content from your journals to the right audience at the right time

Organic discovery

Recirculate traffic between your journals, blog and book sites by recommending the right content to the right visitor at the right time.

Promoted discovery

Surface content from your journals to a relevant audience of over 100M unique monthly visitors across hundreds of premium scholarly sites.

  • JavaScript
  • WordPress
  • Highwire
    Get your JavaScript code from your customer success representative or on your Customer Dashboard.
    Don't have a customer success rep or account login information? Email us.
    To install the TrendMD widget on your WordPress site, download the WordPress plugin.
    Having trouble? Check out our FAQs
     or email us.
our OJS integrations are currently under development
Please contact your HighWire account manager for assistance with TrendMD integration
our iOS integrations are currently under development
our Android integrations are currently under development

Frequently asked questions Contact us

How much does TrendMD cost?

TrendMD can be used on your website(s) for free, indefinitely. We promote links to your content on third-party sites in the TrendMD network so long as your credit balance is above zero. You determine how much TrendMD will cost based on how many new visitors you want us to direct to your website(s). You can add to your credit balance by setting a weekly budget or by using the auto-reinvest function which uses the revenue you earn from clicks on third-party sponsored links featured on your website(s), to promote your own content. ‘In-network’ recommendations are always free. So if you want to ensure that your journal(s) get 1000 additional visitors per month, you set your weekly budget to $250 USD/week. See Additional visitors acquired for more details.

How long does the widget take to install?

As little as 10 minutes. Depending on the size of the website(s) you register with TrendMD, you either can go directly to the setup of the widget or follow the easy instructions for integrating with our API endpoint.

How does TrendMD increase my readership?

Once our widget is installed, we begin distributing links to scholarly content from your journals and blogs in the widget results of our relevant partner sites. We send a large amount of new unique visitors from many of the largest publishers to come discover, read, and cite your articles. TrendMD looks beyond just related links to help people discover, read, and cite interesting scholarly content from your journals and websites through personalized recommendations. Our recommendation algorithms continuously optimize the placements of links to your content for the right audience while readers are actively looking for something interesting to discover.

Is TrendMD compatible with my website?

All websites are compatible with the TrendMD recommendations widget because it is installed via a few lines of JavaScript that you add to your page template. Some paid content management systems will require you to contact customer support. Open source content management systems like Wordpress and OJS require the installation of the TrendMD WordPress plugin and TrendMD OJS plugin.

Does TrendMD only cover medical content?

Despite our name, TrendMD is a content recommender system currently used across all academic disciplines.

Can I track visitors with TrendMD using Google Analytics?

We updated the way we add tracking slugs to publisher sites over the course of 2016 - all publishers have been moved to the new system as of the end of January 2017. Here is how to track visitors as of January 2017.

To track visitors acquired before the switch, use the following steps:

Go to your google analytics 'Home' dashboard page and choose the journal you want to look into. Go to your dashboard viewing options on the left, scroll down then click on 'Behaviour' → 'Site content' → 'All pages'.

In the search box on the right hand side of the table, search using 'trendmd'.

Search trendmd-shared=0 for tracking TrendMD traffic within your sites.

Search trendmd-shared=1 for tracking TrendMD traffic referred to your sites from third-party sites.

To make it easier to visualize all the of the tracked content, go to the bottom of the stats table and change the number of rows.