What Is Content Discovery And Why Is It Important?

Having great content on your journal or blog is essential if you want to attract readers, build trust, and ultimately drive impact and citations. But, even if you have excellent content, it will be of no use unless you can get that content in front of the right audience. While…

7 Ways To Get Your Scholarly Content Noticed

Unless you’ve been living under a rock over the last few years, you know content is king and online content marketing is the new black. Particularly when it comes to science, good content is incredibly effective. It boosts awareness, drives citations, and if revenue is your thing, great content…

Scholarly Authors Want More Visibility

A recently published survey by Taylor & Francis of scholarly authors reveals a growing acceptance of the benefits of open access publication. Given that some publishers can charge article processing fees as high as $4000, however, authors are increasingly expecting more for their money. Topping the list of services expected…

Most Related ≠ Most Interesting

Imagine that you just finished reading a review paper on heart failure. How would you feel if you were given recommendations on what to read next and each of them featured another review paper on heart failure? In some cases (e.g, if you were not satisfied with the first…

2 easy steps to embed TrendMD onto any webpage

This post provides you with 2 easy steps you can follow to add the TrendMD widget to any website. In a nutshell, all you have to do is add standardized meta tags to your article pages. Besides making your website compatible with TrendMD, adding meta tags to your site will…