Guest post by Janice McCallum, Business Development Advisor to TrendMD
Boosting revenue in a competitive market where everyone is striving to replace lost print advertising revenue is a universal objective of business-to-business (B2B) publishers. This was the central theme at the recent SIIA BIMS conference, which assembles publishing executives from across the spectrum of professional publishing, from specialty newsletter publishers to trade publishers to major scholarly publishers.
At this year’s event, TrendMD was among the five Models of Excellence award winners. The Models of Excellence program, produced by InfoCommerce Group since 2003, recognizes exemplary companies that demonstrate best practices in leveraging data to deliver added value to the B2B publishing and information dissemination process.
TrendMD serves as an exemplar of the “marketplace” model that connects readers/researchers to content relevant to their research. Like all marketplace models, TrendMD adds value for both buyers & sellers (in this case, researchers & publishers) and serves publishers by sending qualified leads to their sites at the peak of the reader’s interest in the publisher’s content. Savvy marketplace companies understand the value of the data that are generated throughout the transaction process, and TrendMD wisely uses these data to create a continuous learning system that improves its algorithms to better meet the needs of publishers and researchers.

TrendMD ‘s original mission centered on helping researchers discover supplemental research that is relevant to their current inquiry. By creating a discovery engine that works across a network of publications, TrendMD quickly found that its model, which engages researchers when they are most motivated, drove qualified traffic to participating publishers more effectively than most search-engine marketing or content marketing methods.
The publishing executives from leading B2B publishing firms, especially those in the healthcare and other STEM fields, responded very positively to the TrendMD model at BIMS and were quick to recognize the value of the underlying technology that improves the reader experience while optimizing leads.
TrendMD’s advanced capabilities, developed in response to needs of peer-reviewed medical journals and CME providers, including physician targeting and cost-per-acquisition (CPA) models, drew particular interest from the professional publishers at BIMS.
The following page from the InfoCommerce Models of Excellence award brochure provides a succinct description of TrendMD’s marketplace model for academic & B2B publishers: